

    Family, School, and Community Partnershippaw

We invite and encourage you to assist with several exciting opportunities at school.
The following is a list of options to sign up for, but please ask if there is another area you are interested in.
Several activities involve students, as we are striving to develop leadership with our students.


Classroom Room Parents/Holiday Parties/Class Reward Parties
Food/School Store Sales With Student Leaders
Spelling Bee
Volunteer Appreciation in Spring
Fall Picture Day
Spring Picture Day
Hearing/Vision Screenings
Title 1 Family Events
Teacher Appreciation Week
Welcoming New Families
Leader in Me Activities
End of the Year School Carnival
Sharpen the Paw Activities
Lunch Tutoring
Tutoring for Second Language Students
Share Your Career
Share a Second Language
Spirit Wear
Reward Parties During the School Year
Dad’s Group
Grandparent’s Group
Popping Popcorn