
Friday November 15th, 2019- Pictures This Week

Our student lighthouse team has been assisting with collecting data and figuring out percentages every month, as we work towards our school WIG of increasing our reading scores.

Beginning with the end in mind!


We recognized our readers of the month.

Put first things first!



We love positive check ins before school starts in the morning.

Think win win!


Second grade students have been learning about water during their Science and Mystery Science lessons.

Begin with the end in mind!



We are getting ready for our big Thanksgiving lunch.

Please come!


We had a great Breakfast with Books.

Thank you to all the families that attended!

Sharpen the saw!




Our student lighthouse team gave a school tour to visitors.

Be proactive!


We ended the week with a fun Fall Title 1 family night.

A big thank you to all the families that attended!

Sharpen the saw!